Strengths of Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis is good for long-term investments based on very long-term trends. The ability to identify and predict long-term economic, demographic, technological or consumer trends can benefit patient investors who pick the right industry groups or companies.
Fundamental analysis is good for long-term investments based on very long-term trends. The ability to identify and predict long-term economic, demographic, technological or consumer trends can benefit patient investors who pick the right industry groups or companies.
Value Spotting
Sound fundamental analysis
will help identify companies that represent a good value. Some of the most
legendary investors think long-term and value. Graham and Dodd, Warren Buffett
and John Neff are seen as the champions of value investing. Fundamental analysis
can help uncover companies with valuable assets, a strong balance sheet, stable
earnings, and staying power.
Business Acumen
One of the most obvious,
but less tangible, rewards of fundamental analysis is the development of a
thorough understanding of the business. After such painstaking research and
analysis, an investor will be familiar with the key revenue and profit drivers
behind a company. Earnings and earnings expectations can be potent drivers of
equity prices. Even some technicians will agree to that. A good understanding
can help investors avoid companies that are prone to shortfalls and identify
those that continue to deliver.
In addition to understanding the business,
fundamental analysis allows investors to develop an understanding of the key
value drivers and companies within an industry. A stock's price is heavily
influenced by its industry group. By studying these groups, investors can
better position themselves to identify opportunities that are
high-risk (tech),
low-risk (utilities),
growth oriented (computer),
value driven (oil),
non-cyclical (consumer staples),
cyclical (transportation) or
income-oriented (high yield).
low-risk (utilities),
growth oriented (computer),
value driven (oil),
non-cyclical (consumer staples),
cyclical (transportation) or
income-oriented (high yield).
Knowing Who's Who
Stocks move as a group. By
understanding a company's business, investors can better position themselves to
categorize stocks within their relevant industry group. Business can change
rapidly and with it the revenue mix of a company. This happened to many of the
pure Internet retailers, which were not really Internet companies, but plain
retailers. Knowing a company's business and being able to place it in a group
can make a huge difference in relative valuations.
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